
Concerned about your own or
someone else’s drug use?

The NSW Health Agency for Clinical Innovation (ACI) have a website dedicated to telehealth which includes resources for patients (including a 4 min. video with subtitles) about how to link with a Telehealth provider (note this is specific to NSW Health); and Telehealth etiquette for patients and carers (2 min. read). These resources can be foundhere

Turning Point have developed a range of resources to support clinicians and their clients safely during COVID-19.
These include Telehealth Phone and Video Consultations Guides; Withdrawal Support; Other Support for Clients and Clinician Resources.

The resources can be found on the turning point website here

Insight are an alcohol and drug training and workforce development service based in Queensland. They have developed a toolkit containing mobile apps, interactive websites and downloadable worksheets that can be used to enhance telephone or online-based AOD counselling and treatment. The toolkit is available here

The Network of Alcohol and Other Drugs Agencies (NADA) have developed an eLearning course has to help AOD workers cope with stress and uncertainty during COVID-19. It explores the factors that make coping difficult and outlines a variety of helpful tips and strategies to support you to look after yourself during these challenging times. Access it here